Independent Contribution

California Diver provides an open forum where stories, comments, and opinions are submitted by independent contributors from diverse backgrounds, training, and experience levels. Articles appearing on our website are posted with the understanding that the information presented may or may not be 100% accurate, are written strictly in the opinions of independent contributors, and may not represent the opinions and positions of California Diver Magazine. The owners of California Diver will not be held responsible for the content of any message, story, or posting. California Diver may share stories without independent verification of facts and/or data, and the reader is encouraged to research the stories themselves for accuracy. Our independent contributors are exclusively responsible for the content contained within their stories.

California Diver has taken every precaution in compiling this site, and neither it nor any contributors to the site shall be held responsible for any action (or the lack thereof) taken by any person or organization wherever they shall be based, as a result, direct or otherwise, on information contained in or accessed through this internet site.

If a reader finds any article that is in violation of a copyright or in any way objectionable, slanderous, libelous, or contain potentially dangerous or damaging information, they are encouraged to immediately contact California Diver Magazine. We will review the story, photo, or other content in question and suspend or remove it from our site while reviewing concerns and verifying the accuracy of the content of the original submission.

Readers should understand that skin and scuba diving are hazardous activities and require professional training and experience to be a safe diver. The website is intended to provide general information only and, as such, should not be considered as a substitute for advice covering any specific situation. Users should seek appropriate advice before taking or refraining from taking any action in reliance on any information contained in this website. As permissible by law, California Diver does not accept any liability to any person relating to the use of any such information.


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Collection of Information

California Diver does not collect personal information without your knowledge during your visit to our website. At times, we will ask you for more information, beyond just your name and contact information, that is needed to facilitate our response to your specific request. Your provision of such additional information is your acknowledgement that you consent to our use of such information to better serve you, our visitor, and others coming to our sites.

California Diver will not sell, lease or rent its mailing list or any of your confidential information to any outside organization or individual. However, we may need to disclose personal information as required by law, such as a law, regulation, court order, subpoena, search warrant, in the course of a legal proceeding or in response to a law enforcement agency request, to enforce our Terms of Service, or site rules; or to protect the safety and security of our visitors and our sites.

Copyright Information

At California Diver Magazine, we are proud to present original content (photographs, illustrations, and stories) created for our site, and share news stories, photographs, and other content from other sites. All of this content is posted with the express permission of the original authors/photographers, with the exception of content available through royalty-free and creative commons licenses. In short, we have a ton of great stuff here that has been exclusively created for us and it cannot be shared or posted anywhere else without our permission.

All content presented on our site is protected by United States copyright laws, and may not be reproduced in any way without our exclusive permission. If you are interested in using material from our site, please contact us first.

By the same token, we take care to not reproduce other people’s work without their express permission. If you find content on our site that you believe may be in use without permission, please let us know so we can confirm this, and immediately remote it if necessary.