Just for fun, here’s an interesting mystery story. It is fascinating to know that even with all of our curiosity and modern technology that we really don’t have all the answers, and that’s especially true when it comes to life in the oceans.

In 2003, Australia’s first great white shark satellite tagging project was underway with the intent to monitor their movement as they traveled up and down the coast. One particular 9-foot long female, a healthy great white called “Alpha”, gave researchers more than they bargained for. Four months after she was tagged, something ate her. Her tag later washed ashore and was found by a beachcomber 2-1/2 miles away from where she was tagged, and contained information that has baffled researchers.

What could have gulped down a 9 foot great white shark? Surely the data would tell. Or would it?

Analysis of the data showed that Alpha made an abrupt dive 580 meters (1,900 ft) down before the temperature shot up by more than 30 degrees Celsius (90 °F). Monster believers claim this proves Alpha was grabbed and swallowed whole, speculating that the heat came from the killer’s digestive system.

Others don’t feel that it’s a monster at all, theorizing that the likely suspect is another, far larger shark that either consumed Alpha whole or just tore off the chunk that contained the tag. But even with such a logical explanation, monster hunters are still in the game, citing the possibility that Alpha became the lunch of a prehistoric survivor, the 20-meter (60 ft) extinct Megalodon shark some allege to have seen in Australian waters.

Somebody better call the Discovery Channel.

A great white shark in Australia. Image source: YouTube

A great white shark in Australia. Image source: YouTube