
Long-time San Diego recreational and science divers Barbara Lloyd and Michael Bear have joined forces to establish an ocean conservation non-profit organization, called Ocean Sanctuaries, devoted to species conservation, ocean sustainability as well as supporting citizen science projects and documentary films which involve the ocean. Founder Barbara Lloyd says, ‘At Ocean Sanctuaries we believe that our oceans reflect the consciousness of humanity and our vision is to craft a world where our oceans benefit from the collaboration of the general public, citizen scientists, and professionals.We do this by creating a community which educates and shares information through multi-media, social media, and the web.  We engage in citizen science projects for species baseline studies, monitoring, conservation and documentary filmmaking related to ocean ecology.  We make relevant data and imagery available to the general public, scientists, and like-minded organizations.’ OceanSanctuaries

Ocean Sanctuaries runs a Sevengill Shark Identification Project, using the ‘Wildbook’ pattern recognition software, which has been successfully used to identify whales sharks.

And, most recently, Ocean Sanctuaries has been selected by National Geographic to beta test their latest citizen science data collection tool, called ‘Fieldscope.’

For more information, see: Ocean Sanctuaries: http://oceansanctuaries.org/

Sevengill Shark Project Methodology: http://sevengillsharksightings.org/our-methodology-introduction/