Southern California diver and underwater photographer Julie Lorenzen enjoys spending her time underwater with some of California and Mexico’s most beautiful sea life. Shooting with a Canon 70D, she sent us the following photos to share from some of her recent adventures.

“Open Jaws”


“Open Jaws”. Shot with a Canon EOS 70D, No Strobes. ISO 640, f/13, 1/160 sec. Lens: Rokinon 1.4/24mm Fisheye. (Click to enlarge)

This photo was taken at Guadalupe Island, 220 miles south of San Diego, California in mid September. “The visibility was 100 ft and then some, truly amazing blue water.  This was my second trip to Guadalupe Island, and the first time photographing the White Sharks with my Canon camera.  I was really striving for a shot with the shark’s mouth wide open and bearing her teeth.  With a little luck and patience, I finally got the shot.”

“The Breach”

Shot with a Canon EOS 70D. No Strobes. ISO 400 f/8.0. 1/200 sec. Lens: Rokinon 1.4/24mm Fisheye

Shot with a Canon EOS 70D. No Strobes. ISO 400
f/8.0. 1/200 sec. Lens: Rokinon 1.4/24mm Fisheye

“This has to be one of my favorite photos of the trip.  We often see many amazing photos of sharks breeching out of the water from topside.  I wanted to capture the White Shark from an underwater perspective as it landed in the water after a breach.  I love how the water rushes through her gills as she lands in the water.  A truly amazing experience.”

“Great White”

Shot with a Canon EOS 70D. No Strobes. ISO 400. f/8.0. 1/200 sec. Lens: Rokinon 1.4/24mm

Shot with a Canon EOS 70D. No Strobes. ISO 400. f/8.0. 1/200 sec. Lens: Rokinon 1.4/24mm

“This female White Shark was around 14 feet, and was very curious of us in the cage.  Her facial expression is that of her missing her hang bait. Shot at Guadalupe Island”.

“Whale Sharks”


Canon EOS 70D. No Strobes. ISO 400. f/8.0. 1/160 sec

“These magnificent Whale Sharks where photographed down at Bahia de los Angeles, located in Baja California, about 420 miles south of San Diego. Both of these photos were taken in late August in 2015 as that is when these whale Sharks migrate to BOLA to feed on plankton. Their size is truly amazing as they will reach lengths of 40 feet. Our group of 6 snorkelers would just hang out in the water and sure enough the Whale Sharks will almost alway circle around and swim right towards you, only to change their direction at the last moment”.


All photos ©2016 by Julie Lorenzen. All rights reserved.
