China claims demand for shark fin soup is drying up. Truth or propaganda?

China claims demand for shark fin soup is drying up. Truth or propaganda?

According to a report on CCTV (China Central Television – the predominant state television broadcaster in mainland China), the consumption of shark fin soup has dramatically declined.

Citing a recent campaign involving a coalition of celebrities including former NBA star Yao Ming, CCTV states that government and industry statistics show that the demand for shark fins has plunged, which could also have wider implications for other endangered wildlife.

“The change is huge in China, especially now. Last year, after the Chinese government released a three-year ban on eating sharp fin soup, the decline is huge. The consumption declined by 50 to 70 percent in the past two years. We are really proud that people are doing the right thing.” said May Mei, the chief representative in China of Wildaid, an NGO working for wildlife protection.

Tens of millions – and perhaps hundreds of millions – of sharks are killed each year to supply the demand for shark fin soup. As a result, a third of the world’s shark species are facing extinction.

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