A diver try “high five” Deep Blue as she passes by his cage. Source: Screenshot from YouTube video below.
Guadalupe island is a favorite destination among shark divers to view and photograph great white sharks in their natural habitats. The volcanic island sits roughly 150 miles west of Mexico’s Baja California peninsula, about 220 miles by boat from San Diego.
In 2014, an enormous female great white dubbed “Deep Blue,” was filmed that is believed to be the biggest great white known to man. She measured about 20 feet in length, and estimated to be approximately 50 years old.
Deep Blue was featured in a 2014 Discovery network documentary in which researcher Mauricio Hoyos Padilla tagged the shark. The video footage, released this week via Facebook, shows Padilla reaching out and touching the great white on its fin. A caption accompanying the Facebook video reads: “I give you the biggest white shark ever seen in front of the cages in Guadalupe Island…DEEP BLUE!!!”
Here’s the video – enjoy and please share!
This is not the first time that this particular shark has been in the news. Deep Blue was featured last August on a Discovery Channel feature for “Shark Week,” but Hoyos Padilla said this is the first time he had seen her near Guadalupe.
When Hoyos Padilla and his crew came across the super-sized shark, she was pregnant and had scars over her body – possibly from either a rumble with another shark or from mating. I wonder who lost that fight…