The Abalone Project needs help in covering up to 10 abalone creel sites for 2 days in each of 3 months this Spring. This is a great opportunity for volunteers to experience first-hand one of the most popular recreational fisheries in California and have some time to visit the north coast.
Participants will be interviewing abalone fishermen at traditional creel sites and will not be involved with enforcing fishing regulations. Non-biological staff and non-Department volunteers are welcome to help.
Dates selected this year are April 26 & 27 (Fridays and Saturdays); May 26, 27 & 28 (Memorial Day weekend – Sunday, Monday, Tuesday); and June 23 & 24 (Sunday & Monday). People can sign up for single days and three days were selected in May in case people have problems working on the holiday. Some travel expenses and pay for Scientific Aids from other projects can be covered. Because of budget concerns, travel expenses covered by abalone funds will be limited. We will cover lodging costs up to a total of $168 (but no more than $84 per night) plus taxes and three days per diem. Airfare will not be covered. Private car mileage can be claimed for up to 200 miles.
Sites include Shelter Cove (southern Humboldt County), Hardy Creek, MacKerricher State Park, Van Damme State Park, Arena Cove, Moat Creek (Mendocino County), Salt Point and Fort Ross area (Sonoma County, Fort Ross only open in June). The sampling is done for about 3 ½ hours during morning low tides.
For information on participating with the creel survey contact Jerry Kashiwada at the Fort Bragg Marine Region field office (707) 964-5791.