Mastering Rebreathers, 2nd Edition is a revised edition of Jeff Bozanic’s seminal text Mastering Rebreathers. The text has been designed to be used both as a textbook, and as a primer for those who are interested in rebreathers, but would like to learn more about the technology before making the decision to take the plunge. The content has been expanded and updated to include the latest in rebreather technology. About 100 pages of new content has been added from the original edition. Chapters include Introduction, history, types of rebreathers, physics, physiology, theory, design, pre- and post-dive procedures, dive procedures, maintenance, emergency procedures, and travel. Appendices contain constant oxygen partial pressure dive tables, pre- and post-dive checklists for many common rebreathers, and special documentation such as MSDSs and travel restrictions. The book is available in two formats; softbound with waterproof paper, and a hardbound edition appropriate for libraries and serious readers. Both printings include full color printing throughout the text, and high quality paper stock. Published by Best Publishing Company. 640 pages.

Copies may be ordered from:
Jeffrey Bozanic
P.O. Box 3448
Huntington Beach, CA 92605-3448

Soft bound: $45 including shipping within the U.S.
$60 including international shipping

Hard bound: $55 including shipping within the U.S.
$70 including international shipping

(If you would like them signed by the author, please include the name to whom you would like it inscribed.)