South Africa is known by many for it’s great diving. It has an enormously long coastline ranging from about 35°S to 27°S with a warm tropical current flowing with it. Whale sharks, turtles, dolphins and ragged tooth sharks are often seen in specific areas. There are three major types of kelp, and a short portion of the Western Cape coast is the only place in the world that they all grow together.

One diver almost got more than he bargained for when the gaping mouth of a 49-foot Bryde’s whale surfaced while feeding on sardines. According to Barcroft TV, the “giant mammal swerved at the last moment to avoid smacking directly into him”—but the water displaced still sent him flying.

You’ll have to see it to believe it. See this exciting video below:

Note: A very similar thing happened here in Monterey last summer. Click here to read about it and see the video.